Tag: asterisk

  • Lenny orders a subscription to the Mercury News.

    The San Jose Mercury News just sent a bill Lenny for subscribing to their newspaper! This would be less surprising if Lenny was actually a real person rather than just a disembodied, barely coherent set of voice snippets on my answering machine setup. There’s really not more smarts to it than that; everytime there’s a…

  • Lenny strikes again!

    Since my previous post about Lenny I’ve had some comments complaining about cruelty to telemarketers (no, really). I do have some sympathy with the position; the guy calling me is just trying to do his job and get through life as best he can, and inconveniencing people through illegal cold calling is just an unfortunate…

  • Lenny rules!

    For quite a while now I’ve been getting tired of all the unsolicited spam/scam phone calls I’ve been receiving and started looking for an asterisk-based solution. (As part of my general telephony weirdness I run my own phone PBX, based on the open source Asterisk project, running on my linux box. I use it for…